Monday, November 26, 2012

'Glory' to His Name

'Glory' to His Name

            I heard the deep rumbling of voices in the distance as I was putting the animals away one night. As the sound neared, I could understand their synchronized words to be a gospel song, much like ones I’ve heard being sung in my papa’s southern fields.

            As I stood by the fence thinking, I noticed that the singing grew no closer. Smoke started to rise down the road. Curious, I walked until the edge of a clearing. Peeking through some bushes I saw dozens of black men gathered around a campfire singing praises unto their Lord. The man talking spoke so quietly I had to strain to make out his words.

“I ain’t never had no family, and…killed off my momma…”

After a pause, encouragement words to keep sharing were uttered.

“Well I just…”

It took the man another couple seconds to speak, emotion in his voice.

“Y’all’s the only-est family I got…. And, oh I love the 54th. Ain’t even much a matter what happens tomorrow, ‘cause we men, ain’t we? ..… We’re men.”

Feelings stirred within me. This was the 54th Black Regiment?! But, didn’t I just hear the most humanistic words come out of these men’s mouths.

As the group of men started in for another praising chorus, I turned and slowly headed back to the house, contemplating.

The next morning I woke, looked out of my window, and saw the same men from last night dressed in blue uniforms. They were strong, but also a bit solemn.

A few weeks later I learned most of those men had died in a battle against Fort Wagner not long after the night I had seen them singing in the woods. While my pa cheered, somewhere in my heart, a part ached. For what reason, I’m not sure. Was it their bravery for fighting? Was it the trust and love they held for each other, much like what a family has? Regardless, of what it was, my respect for the 54th Regiment never lessened.

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