This was a
simple lab that helped me understand Archimedes’ principle when I had to
calculate the buoyant force on a can of sand when we put it in a container of
water. Using the formula P=F/A (or, in other terms, P=mg/A). We also used
P=pwgh. We used the information that we put in our graph (Graph #1)
to get the pressure. The main element we had to deal with in this lab was how much room
there was for error. We could measure the depth incorrectly, whether it was
just off, using the wrong units, or measuring the wrong part of the can (it
happens). The dirt ratio was not perfect for the small can to the large can. It
said to put dirt in it until the can was 3/4th under water, but
instead we had our small can around 7/8th under water and our large
can was about 3/4th under water. This difference could be the reason
for our 91% difference in the cans percentage difference (Graph #1, last
column). One
other mistake my group and I made was that we didn’t convert the weight down to
grams from kilograms, which made everything messy. Nevertheless, this lab was
very helpful in understanding buoyant force and the forces that push down the
Be isolated, be ignored, be attacked, be in doubt, be frightened, but do not be silenced. - Bertrand Russell.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sound and the Musical Quality in "Anthem for Doomed Youth"
“Anthem for Doomed
Youth” by Wilfred Owen
The poem
“Anthem for Doomed Youth” was written by Wilfred Owen during the time of World
War I. The poem illustrates the two extreme views and understandings of the war
at that time. It shows the realistic side to war, with its terrors and deaths
that the soldiers encounter, and the softer, more easygoing attitude of the
people who are back safe at home. The sounds and the musical quality of the
poem bring a mental image of war’s destruction along with a deeper
understanding that the war is more severe than the citizens at home think it to
the first stanza, anger and gunshots are heard in the words. The onomatopoeic
repetition of the sound r, in the
phrases “monstrous anger” (Owen Line 2) and “rifles’ rapid rattle” (3), makes
the first stanza thick with the enraged feeling of the soldier narrating the
poem. The r sound is similar to the growl
of angry animals. Following the rs lead,
the onomatopoeic repetition of the t
sound creates the sound of gunshots within the poem. Words such as cattle (1), stuttering, rattle (3), and patter
(4) fill the stanza with the earsplitting sound of gunshots. These onomatopoeic
sounds convey the emotion of the men who are at war are livid about a situation
in which they have to listen to constant gunshots and noise. The first stanza is also loaded with cacophonous words. The ts and rs, as well as other harsh, sudden consonants like the ka sound, lend a highly unpleasant and
shrill quality to the tone. This is creates a picture of the soldiers being
surrounded in a hostile and tough environment.
In the
second stanza the mood changes dramatically, from a dominantly cacophonous air
to a smooth and euphonious sound. The words contain more vowels and soft consonants
to reflect that home is where security and refuge is found. The use of the
letter l, in the words all (9), Shall (11), pallor, and pall (12), is in similitude of children’s lullabies. The
men at war want to regress into their childhood because that’s where they felt
sheltered; there were no gunshots or mass deaths in their childhood. The men
wish they could see war as calmly as those who have not experienced the chaos
see it; they wish they could be ignorant children again. The lines “What
passing-bells for these who die as cattle” (1) and “And each slow dusk a
drawing-down of blinds” (14) explain the different viewpoints of death in the
war. The first line states that the men are killed in the same way that cattle
die in huge groups. In these huge groups there are hundreds of soldiers whose
bodies aren’t taken and whose names are not written down and reported to
families as “killed in action.” They are unrecorded, missing soldiers. Following
line 1, the onomatopoeic sound of gunshots in the rest of the stanza creates a
loud and brutal situation; their death is with no respect or moments of
remembrance. However, in the last line, the death at home is slowly dealt with,
grieved, and has closure. When the blinds are shut against the darkness of
death, there is a conclusion.
Along with
the sounds, the pace affects the story. The way some of the lines are indented
past the others indicate that it is supposed to be read in congruence and in
sequence with the line above. This makes the lines speedy, and connected with
the onomatopoeic rs, makes the first
stanza an angry rant. The swiftness of the lines and the t words make the gunshots feel like machineguns. This is how fast
moving their world is when they are in combat. Nothing will stop for these men,
not even when it’s for their death. The second stanza slows everything down and
then keeps it that way by using the indentations in a different way.
Indentations are used to break up the single sentence in lines 10 and 11,
making it read at a slower pace than the first stanza. The speed of the second
stanza draws a parallel to how the citizens feel back home. They are under the
freedoms and safety of a peaceful home, and there is no need to rush, fight, or
run for their lives. They have time to find closure for the loss of their loved
Owen’s “Anthem for Doomed Youth” conveys the different views of war through the
eyes of a soldier who’s in war through specific words and sounds. The two
contrasting stanzas that show that this soldier knows how war is looked at back
home, but hears a different story when he listens to the sounds of bugles and
shells. The poem “Anthem for Doomed Youth” reveals how the war is more horrible
and chaotic than what the citizens at home realize.
Works Cited
Owen, Wilfred. “Anthem for Doomed Youth.” Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation,
n.d. Web.
5 Feb. 2014
Torque Lab Conclusion
Torques and its
Magical Properties
This lab
was a fairly simple lab with an awesome lesson. We were able to see and measure
the forces that produce torque, calculate the torque on a rotating body, and
with that we were able to see what relationship torque holds with the lever
arm. We had to start off with the system in equilibrium which meant that the
net forces had to add up to zero as well as the torque. These can be formalized
by saying
. This was a simple lab with only a
few easy formulas. To find the torque after the weight had been added onto the
string, we multiplied the force we had found on the scale by how far away the
weight was from the scale. We did this on both sides to calculate the clockwise
and counterclockwise torques. Our official formula is T=Fxl . We knew that our
meter stick had to stay horizontal because if it had tilted at an angle we
would’ve had to use the sin or cos of the angle it tilted at to find the force
and that would’ve been too much work for something as easily fixable as
leveling out our stick. Our experiment showed all of the elements we were
testing to be accurate because the numbers we were getting correlated with the
theories that were discussed in the reading. So yay for us! The only thing we
would have changed if we could was that we would have a more sensitive and
precise scale because we might have some skewed data because of our equipment.
But besides that, our experiment was helpful in learning hands-on about torque.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Pendulum Periods Lab Conclusion
thanks to this lab, my partners and I were able to see how the length and mass
of the parts of a pendulum would make it swing differently. By using different
length of string and putting more weight on the bob, we were able to conclude
that the period of the swing depended greatly on the length of the string, but
not necessarily on the mass of the bob. This fact can be seen on my Data Table
– Part II and Part III. It can also be seen in Graph 2, which depicts the length
change, and Graph 3, which depicts the mass change. If we look back at the Data
Table – Part II, you can see a noticeable decrease in period as the length is
also decreased. In Data Table – Part III, you can see that the average period
is somewhat around the same number for the three different masses. In the
Analysis questions, it explained to us that using Newton’s laws, the period is
related to the length and free-fall acceleration by the formula:
. Besides having that equation to
reference to, we didn’t have any formulas to work out ourselves. But this
formula and Newton’s law is what brings Physics into the lab. All in all this
lab went pretty alright. The one thing I would’ve done differently if I could
was that I would have made Graph 3 more proportional looking to what it really
is. Because there really isn’t a huge amount of change in the values, but the
way the Zoom Fit worked, the values looked completely polar from each other.
But hey, that just proves human error, right?

Monday, January 27, 2014
Momentum, Energy, and Collisions Lab Conclusion
this lab we were able to see the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy
during collisions. Performing different kinds of collisions allowed us to
classify them as elastic, inelastic, or completely inelastic. We were able to
do these things easily and successfully! We discovered that when we used
magnetic bumpers momentum and kinetic energy was conserved in the collision.
But when we changed the bumpers to Velcro, only momentum was conserved, not
kinetic energy. We could identify this because we would find the momentum or
the kinetic energy right before the two carts hit each other and then find it
again right after. This can be seen in the highlighted squares in my Data
Table. This data was taken from Graphs 1, 2, and 3. By dividing the two numbers
we got, we could see if the ratio was near one. If it was near one, that would
mean that they are really close to the same number and so it did conserve the
momentum or kinetic energy. Physics is evident throughout this lab because the
conservation of momentum and kinetic energy uses Physics formulas, such as
KE=.5mv^2 and p=mv. All in all this was a great, fun, and easy lab that taught
us so much! The only big errors I made were in the beginning; I was multiplying
the velocity by the mass in grams to give me the momentum when I needed the
kilograms. And one technical error of us setting up the lab was that we weren't
sure if our track was actually level in the center. It seemed like it was
dropping down a little bit. We tried to fix it the best we could by putting a
chair underneath for support.
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