Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Persuasive Paper

    Not A Forceable Paper

   "If he really hurt you, you wouldn't love him." "You must have wanted it." Short quotes such as these can be found on a tumblr page named Project Unbreakable. It depicts pictures of sexual abuse victims wish signs sharing traumatic parts of their stories that haunt them. More often than one might think, their signs have quotes from their trusted friends, family, and religious leaders, just pushing the matter aside. Well I believe every person has the right to receive correct and proper help for sexual abuse, because of how damaging it can be and the efforts so far just aren't enough.
     The effects of this abuse are numerous. Obviously there's physical consequences  The victim could contract deadly STD's from their assulter. There's also injuries that could come from the actual attack. Although most people know the physical, a lot of deep emotional baggage and pain that comes with acts of sexual abuse. Blocking it out of their minds is a common response, especially in children. Also depression, sleep disorders, and low self-esteem are common outward expressing signs is self-injury and revictimization. Without treatment, these can lead to suicide.
     According to the Monterey Country Rape Crisis Center (MCRCC), around only 16% of sexual assaults are reported. Since more than a third of rape victims get Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it makes the chances of reaching out to those in need of help smaller, in accordance with the 16%. MCRCC gave the statistic that worldwide, at least one in three women and one in six men have been beaten, coarced into sex, or otherwise abused in their lifetime. That affects more people than any type of cancer. Seeing as there's so much attention put into cancer awareness, don't you think there should be equal, if not more, attention put onto supporting these victims?
     "He's a boy and boys are experimental. Now kiss and make up." People need to become more aware of what rape is, how it effects people, and stop pushing the matter aside. Help centers should be made available to anyone who has been victimized.

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