Saturday, September 22, 2012

Psychology Brain Parts Song

Psychology Brain Parts Song

My cerebellum cortex controls my actions and thoughts
Occipital lets me see my gosh dang tator tots
Temporal understands sounds, memory, and dictations
And my parietal when I want to hit out my frustrations
My frontal lobe lets me reason to stay away from temptations

But when I see you, my heart skips a beat
But I guess that’s my medulla playing tricks on me
My pons send the message from my brainstem
When I use reticular formation to sleep, I’m thinking of you
My spinal cord leads to my heart & it tells me you’ll always come through

Blanketing the cerebellum, there’s the cerebral cortex
It’s the center for info processing ultimate control like the Star Gate Vortex
Visual – Man, do you see Teal’c? He’s so lazy!
Sensory – That wormhole felt crazy!
Auditory – A Furling may sound cute but it’s really a monster!
Motor – Running to catch aliens is really physical!

Within the cerebrum is the limbic system
Before the cerebral cortex
The thalamus lets me flex – GRRRR!!
It has the amygalda – Don’t touch me, bro!
And the hypothalamus – Get me a sandwich, yo!

My Broca’s area lets me scream
Wernicke’s lets me know you’re mad at me
Angular gyrus lets me read One Direction
Pituitary is the site of hormone production

Friday, September 21, 2012

By Small and Simple Things

     A smile, I've always thought, could change the world. It's so simplistic, but to some people it could mean so much. Hearing people say that they're astonished that I can be smiling all the time has always brought me to a stand still. How couldn't you be happy when you have so much that others don't?
     I once read a book about a boy who tried commiting suicide. He said he was at such a low point in his life that he thought the whole world couldn't care less about him. As he rode a bus to a bridge where he had planned to take a jump that would end his life, he said to himself, "If one person smiles at me, I won't jump; if one person asks me if I'm okay, I won't do it." He ended up jumping but surviving by a miracle. Still, this haunts me. Would I be the one to smile at a stranger on a bus? A simple smile could have changed his life right there. From then on, I've decided to smile. It doesn't take much. It's just a quick flash of teeth while making eye contact.
     I started thinking about who I am and what I am doing for those around me. Then I read a scripture that nailed it right on the head. Matthew 5: 14-16 in the bible reads, "Ye are the alight of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a acandle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your alight so shine before men, that they may see your good bworks, and cglorify your Father which is in heaven." I learned that I don't need to do something grand to change someone's life. I just need to live a life I can be pround of and others can be lifted by my attitude. The best way I've learned, is to do the simple service of smiling.
     Have you ever thought about what can make the difference between life and death? Have you considered that a smile could be the answer? A famous scripture tells us, "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Farmer's View

The Continental Army retreated
After being defeated.
Across New Jersey they went
Although, by now they were pretty spent.

Washington made a plan:
They were going to take a stand
Against these paid armies
Who were only in it for the moneys.

It was the winter of 1776.
These mercenaries had different ethnics.
16,900 came from Germany,
But this you cannot blame on me

For I am just a farmer;
Although not even close to a beggar.
Yes, their guard house is in my field
But I tried to tell them no, they just didn’t yield.

Down at the Delaware River
The Hessians were on the other side,
All drunk up from their parties,
So George Washington decided to take a big boat ride.

There was Glower, Knox, Mercer, and Hamilton
And in the front led good ol’ Washington,
Coming across these icy waters
Oh, these were our founding fathers.

Once on the other side,
And with barely any supplies,
They began to go.
They marched to their foe.

Once there, it became a bloody mess;
No sight for a princess.
And when a German colonel was beat,
They announced the Battle of Trenton complete.

Because of this great fight,
Where the men fought with all their might,
My kids can be raised
In a country where my God can be praised.