Monday, November 28, 2011

Periodic Properties

Periodic Properties

“Eventually all the pieces will fall into place, until then... laugh at the confusion,
live for the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.”

            All the elements on the periodic table were set where they are for a reason. Believe it or not (and I hope you do) there is a formula for the placement. The 118 elements have been ordered into their exact spots through many processes.
            Every one of the elements in the table are organized  in an order from lightest to heaviest. This means that the elements whose atomic weights are near the same number will be very close together on the table. This was discovered and made popular by Demitri Mendeleev. As for columns, elements that have matching properties will be in the same column.
            As a simple principle, one can say, “The higher an electron’s energy, the farther from the nucleus it is.” (Colorado¹) What is it talking about right there? It’s saying that the atoms get bigger as you add electrons to higher energy levels. This chart shows the size of the structure of the atoms:
            Now, as you look at this picture questions might start to form in your head. Now, ignore those and listen to what I have to say. There are two main parts that go into this periodic table; Groups (or Families) and Periods (or Series). Families are the vertical arrangement of elements. Series are the horizontal arrangement of elements. Focus on the latter one mentioned. Now, in the table there are seven clear series. From left to right they are: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, halogens, noble gases, the lanthanide series and the actinide series. They all have different properties that I won’t go into because our class was quite enough that this should only be one page long.
            But on a side note, there is also a thing called sublevels. To read through them there is: s sublevel, p sublevel, d sublevel, and the f sublevel. These sublevels run on a energy based system. Respect the system.
            As we look at the innocent periodic table of elements we start to see patterns. Patterns that could only have been created and thought up by a mastermind. So enjoy these patterns and the simplicity they bring to your life before the mastermind starts to control our brains with what they have created. The end. (Omniscient¹¹)


Ÿ  Colorado¹ -
Ÿ  Colorado² -
Ÿ  Omniscient¹¹ - http://www.TheResourcesOfMySarcasticMind_HopeYouDon’

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