One of the
most important blessings available to worthy members of the Church is
patriarchal blessings. They verify the divinity of Christ and the truthfulness
of the Church. These sacred blessings also strengthen the testimonies of those
worthy persons who are the recipients of such blessings, provided those
recipients live so as to merit the blessings pronounced therein.
inspired blessing declaring a person’s lineage (the tribe of Israel to which
he/she belongs) and giving insight about his/her life
may include promises of blessings the person may receive, warnings about
particular temptations or weaknesses, or counsel about how the person should
testimonies can be strengthened and fortified and our lives given greater
purpose every time we read and reread our patriarchal blessings. Each blessing
is absolutely qualified and given upon the condition of the faithfulness of the
recipient of the blessing.
is given once in a person’s lifetime by a stake patriarch
chosen men live lives that entitle them to the inspiration of heaven. The
office of patriarch is one of the great separate priesthood offices of the
Melchizedek Priesthood. The patriarchal office is one of blessing, not of
administration, nor of counseling. It is a sacred, spiritual calling that
usually will continue the remainder of the patriarch’s life
is recorded, and a copy is given to the person receiving the blessing. A copy
is also kept in the archives of the Church
is a sacred and personal document that should be read and studied often but
should not be shared casually with others
blessings should be read humbly and prayerfully and frequently. They are very
personal but may be shared with close family members. A patriarchal blessing is
a sacred guideline of counsel, promises, and information from the Lord.
However, a person should not expect that the blessing will detail all that will
happen to him or her or be an answer to all questions. The omission of the
blessing of a great event in life such as a mission or marriage does not mean
it will not happen.
Patriarchal Blessing(1980) – President James E. Faust
Adoption into the House of Israel
There are
many coming into the Church who are not of the blood lineage of a specific
tribe of Jacob. No one need assume that he or she will be denied any blessing
by reason of not being of the blood lineage of Israel.
Paul makes
repeated references to adoption into the house of Israel through faith: “But ye
are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell
in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Rom. 8:9).
It really
makes no difference if the blessings of the house of Israel come through the
lineage or through the spirit of adoption. Elder John A. Widtsoe stated,
“Whether this lineage is of blood or of adoption does not matter.” 2
families are of mixed lineage, it occasionally happens that members of the same
family have blessings declaring them to be of different lineage. children from
the same parents could belong to different tribes.
Gentiles, even though not of the blood lines or genealogical ancestry of
Israel, become adopted into the house of Israel.